Can you buy a good skincare routine for under £5 per month?

It’s safe to say that beauty is a booming business. The latest stats size the global beauty and personal care market at US$625.70bn, and that trajectory is only going upward, despite the cost of living crisis and general income squeezing.
But as with any big data, delve deeper and there are other stories to be told. While shoppers eagerly stock their shelves with new and favourite products, they have one eye on their finances, which is exactly why the dupe trend is exploding. People want affordable, efficacious alternatives, and that’s where savings can be made.
The search for affordable beauty buys
In 2022, Google reported that searches for ‘beauty dupes’ had gone up by 40% and searches for ‘promo codes for existing users’ and ‘buy 1 get 1’ had risen exponentially. At the same time, a report released by Nielson outlines a culture of ‘reaching for affordable luxury’, backed by stats such as 40% looking to reduce spend on beauty products.
It all makes sense, but it’s interesting to hear what spending less could mean in terms of money at the checkout. One US survey reveals that the average spend on beauty and personal care amounts to about £3080 per year (in British pounds), or around £59 a month. Note, that does include other kinds of beauty spend, but we know that skincare is where shoppers spend a big proportion of this money.

So, can you buy your skincare routine for £5?
Imagine, a skincare routine that does what you need, and for £5 a month or less. That’s around the same price as a large takeaway coffee, or a glass of wine in your local. Two things make this possible, one is how long your products last, and how much they cost in the first place.
We’re confident that this goal is possible because our Face Facts routines cost around £5 or less a month. Take our bestselling Ceramide range as an example. Our Cleanser, Ceramide Serum, Eye Cream and Face Moisturiser cost you just under £13 at the checkout (and that’s if you don’t buy the money-saving bundle), and each product will last the average Face Facts customer around one month. (That’s just over £3 a week.)
So get your calculator out (if you want to) and see what your regime costs, then follow these tips to make some savings:
- Prioritise the basics - Hands up, most of us at Face Facts HQ have overstuffed beauty shelves at home. But if we’re honest, our most essential products can be counted on one hand. Every complexion is different, but as a rule of thumb, most of us should cleanse and moisturise at least. A good eye cream can help too, as eyes often show age and tiredness more than the rest of our face (little fact, that’s because the skin is thinner and more delicate around our eyes.
- Know your skin - Does your skin feel tight after cleansing? That can mean you have dry or dehydrated skin. Or are you prone to breakouts? Are fine lines and wrinkles an issue, or perhaps dull skin or irritation? Understanding what your skin concerns are is key to selecting your routine’s essentials. Take a good skincare quiz, or shop by concern if you already know yours, and make sure your products are working hard for you.
- Shop smart – Most of us already know what kinds of products feel good on our skin. This can be a great starting point for seeking out affordable alternatives. Do a little research and if in doubt, ask questions before buying a product. A friendly skincare brand will be able to offer advice to help guide your choices so you can explore new options and save money..
To find out more about our affordable ranges, visit the shop or contact our team to discover your skincare matches.